


Host of the PG-ish podcast, Erin felt compelled to host the 2020 Pandemic Parenting Summit to transform the forced time together at home into something special. In the process Erin realized that pandemic or not, life is always in flux. Change is inevitable. We can choose to be frustrated, making it even harder, or we can choose to make the most of it by creating rhythms and offering more grace for ourselves and our family.

Parenting, let alone single parenting, ain’t easy. Inspired by these struggles, Erin has created platforms for parent-superheroes to support other parent-superheroes.

Erin is an entrepreneur, mom of two, and host of the PG-ish podcast, providing bite-size wisdom from today's teachers, psychologists, doctors, authors, and parents to help transform the overwhelm and frustration of parenting into growth and success, for the sake of your children and yourself.

P.S. We’re all doing the best we can and Erin is here to learn alongside you!

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